
The Client is consenting to take part in a rope bondage experience with starlove (the Provider)

There is an assumption of risk in rope bondage. The Client acknowledges that by partaking in such activities they agree that the Provider will not be held liable in the event of injury occurring from any activities requested by the Client.

The Client further acknowledges that while the Provider has received training in rope bondage and all care is taken to ensure the Client’s safety, it is not guaranteed that there won’t be, at times, extenuating circumstances where injury may occur or other consequences may arise as a result of your pre-negotiated session.

Prior to engaging in any activity the Client has a legal and moral duty to report to the Provider any illnesses, medications, disabilities, injuries (past or present), impairments, or other bodily defects (past or present), drug and alcohol use, that may effect the risks associated with the activities.

The Client knowingly and freely assumes all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releases or others, and assume full responsibility for their own participation.

The Client has of their own desire and free will undertaken to use the services of the Provider and they agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Provider, its servants and agents from all claims, demands, actions and suits which at anytime hereafter be brought by any person against The Provider, its servants and agents for personal injury, death or property damage suffered by any such person caused by or arising out of or in any way related to using the Provider’s services.

Should the Client choose to participate in any activities with the Provider, they shall do so of their own free will and they fully acknowledge any risks associated with such activity they choose to participate in and they shall be deemed to have given their fully INFORMED CONSENT prior to participation in that or an activity by their subsequent involvement in that activity.

The Client has read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement and fully understand the terms.