things to know

Things to know

The rope session

  • Isn’t rope bondage about sex?

    • Sex is not being offered for this experience. While rope bondage may evoke eroticism, it also conjures up other emotional states unique to each individual. What is being offered here is a non-sexual experience ie: no genital play or penetration. Minimum requirement of underwear on at all times please.

  • Will you teach me how to tie?

    • Yes. I do offer private classes.

  • What shall i wear?

    • Gym wear or something comfortable is advised. A minimum requirement of underwear on at all times please.

  • Do i have to complete the 20 questions and a sign a disclaimer form?

    • Yes. The pre-negotiation is imperative for us to begin working together. When you pay your deposit, a link will be sent for you to fill out online. It will uncover any injuries, medical conditions or potential triggers that i will need to be aware of before tying you. It also begins the framework for consent. I will then want to spend the first 10-20mins face to face going over them or any other topics as required. A disclaimer form will also need to be signed online.

  • Can I bring a support person?

    • Yes you may. I may also have a support person with me during the session.

  • Can my support person interact with me while being tied? Can they co-top me?

    • I don’t allow physical interaction from a third party with the person i am tying. Even with pre-negotiation and from my experience, the complexity of a third party entering into the rope space is outside of my risk profile. I take physical, mental & emotional safety seriously. This added dynamic reduces my ability to mitigate risk for the person i am tying.

    • Verbal interaction may be permissible with a defined framework of consent from all parties.

  • I want to experience a D/s dynamic!

    • Will you humiliate or degrade me? - No. Please see a sex worker for this activity

    • Can i be bratty? - I don’t vibe with bratty behaviour. During rope I am too focussed on preserving technical safety or wanting to find a connective experience with you. Brattiness derails my ability to focus on this.

    • What are your add-ons? I offer aromatherapy, chakra alignment, card readings, and will consider certain types of sensation play.

  • What do i need to prepare?

    • Make sure you have eaten well that day. Make sure you have had plenty of fluids. If you are not in the right headspace to have this experience then simply reschedule. Take a moment to read more about being a rope bottom in the resources section below.

  • What are the risks?

    • Please read the disclaimer here - a copy of which you will also sign at pre-negotiation stage.


  • Where are you based?

    • Studio is Brunswick based.

  • Can i make a booking for next weekend?

    • Two weeks advance notice is required as a general rule. Bookings are subject to studio availability.

  • Why do i have to pay 50%? Will you refund me if I cancel?

    • Paying 50% shows you are committed to attending. You have 1 day to pay the 50% deposit, otherwise the booking will not be scheduled. The deposit is non-refundable in the event that you cancel. You can reschedule and must attend a session within a 2 month time frame for the booking to not lose your 50%.

    • In the event I cancel the booking, on first instance i will ask for a reschedule however will refund if requested.

  • What if I am running early or late?

    • My sessions run 1.5hrs for the first session and 1hr10mins every session after that. I set the time based on delivering my best for you including time to do a check in with you. I may need time from my last session to prepare for yours, or indeed time to prepare for a session after yours. Please be mindful of my time. I reserve the right to reschedule a session if your timing does not align with mine.

  • Do you travel to other states/overseas?

    • Yes. However the cost of flights may be applicable.

  • Do you accept credit card?

    • Yes. All cards and Google Pay.

Recommended Resources